The Importance of Empowerment Technologies

Before finding out the Importance of Empowerment Technologies, specifically the subject in k-12, first we to know what is Empowerment, Technology and Empowerment Technology.

Now, when we say technology, the thing that comes in our mind are computers and high-tech gadgets, but almost anything that people make are technology. In that sense, a computer and a mixing bowl are both human technology. (The Toy Maker Project, 2011)

Next is empowerment, What does empowerment means? It is to give power to something or someone, to promote the self actualization (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) or in this case is to enhance your knowledge about a certain topic or activity.

In this case, the technology we’re talking about is something related in using the internet. The one that we called “information Highway” because it became the major source of information, from small to big issues. And by major, it means communication and platforms for information-based services. Examples of this are electronic mail or email, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or chat, online games, social network, blogging, and World Wide Web (WWW). (Orias, 2016)

So now that you know both empowerment and technology, it is time to know what is empowerment technology is, specifically the core subject of k-12, and its importance.

As we all know, in today’s generation many millennials lives are wasted because of cyber bullying and peer pressure. The reason behind both of these are lack of knowledge and etiquette in the ICT world. So, Empowerment Technology should be apply, to know the right way of using ICT instead of bullying others.

Empowerment technology is being thought in school to create foundation in understanding the world of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), understand and demonstrate the proper etiquette in using ICT and more. (De Lara, 2016). To the millennials, Technology or ICT is a big impact and also a big help in their everyday lives especially in school and communicating. In able to do this properly, they’ve develop this subject to teach and let students understand the world and importance of ICT .

With the help of Empowerment Technologies, Students and other millennials will be able to understand the real value of technology; that with technology, they can make their lives and future a better one. Of course, before entering this kind of world you should understand it first and that’s one job for Empowerment technologies

Some might know about the values and proper way of using technology in ICT world but it isn’t enough. It is still needed to be processed or empowered in a right and proper way, to add knowledge or to learn new things that will lead to a way better than we expected.

Therefore, Empowerment technology is important , especially to the millennials to prepare, to teach the value and to introduce them/us to the proper world of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and also, of course to teach us the proper etiquette of using it and not the way where people use it in violence that could end up someone else’s precious life.







read it in the blog outside this magical box.

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